| 1. | Is this not serious enough for us to heighten our vigilance 这难道不应该引起我们的警惕吗? |
| 2. | They are not serious enough at that age 那个年龄的他们不够稳重。 |
| 3. | While there are some problems with grammar or usage , they are not serious enough to distort meaning 虽然文法或用字上有一些问题,它们不致严重到扭曲意思。 |
| 4. | We believe that the problem of antimony in bottled water on the market is not serious enough to damage people ' s health , said siao dong - ming , head of the food sanitation bureau 卫生署食品卫生处处长萧东铭:我们认为在市售的宝特瓶装水,里面的含锑的问题,不会对人体造成危害。 |
| 5. | If the case involving one of the acts listed in the preceding paragraph is not serious enough to constitute a crime , administrative punishments shall be meted out according to relevant state regulations 有前款所列行为之一,情节轻微,尚不构成犯罪的,依照国家有关规定给予行政处罚。 |
| 6. | Larry dawson , the driver ' s attorney , said the dog ' s injuries were not serious enough to require euthanasia and wants the court to dismiss the loss of companionship claim 威沃尔的律师拉里道森认为,当时那条狗的伤势并未严重到必须立即实施安乐死的地步,他同时表示,希望法庭能驳回原告以失去“伙伴”为由而提出的索赔请求。 |
| 7. | Let us hope that the overshooting , if it occurs , is not serious enough , or allowed to become so serious , to lead to any major change in consumer behaviour , through sharply reduced wealth in the form of holdings of stocks 我们希望即使市场出现过剧的反应,但实际的幅度亦不会太大,以致股价暴跌及财富大幅蒸发,进而导致消费模式出现重大变化。 |
| 8. | A person who violates item 2 of article 30 and article 32 but not serious enough to constitute a crime , may be punished by imposing a fine of less than 5 , 000 rmb , and confiscating or withholding the articles unlawfully carried 三)违反本条例第三十条第二款、第三十二条的规定,尚未构成犯罪的,可以处以5000元以下罚款、没收或者扣留非法携带的物品。 |
| 9. | Article 49 any functionary of pbc who divulges any state secret shall , if the case constitutes a crime , be investigated for criminal responsibilities according to law ; if the circumstances are not serious enough , he / she shall be subject to administrative punishments according to law 第四十九条中国人民银行的工作人员泄露国家秘密,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;情节轻微的,依法给予行政处分。 |
| 10. | Article 42 anyone who buys counterfeit or altered renminbi or knowingly holds or uses counterfeit or altered or illegally printed or minted renminbi shall , if the case constitutes a crime , be investigated for criminal responsibilities and shall , if the circumstances are not serious enough , be punished by the public security organ with a detention of no more than 15 days and a fine of no more than rmb 5 , 000 第四十二条购买伪造、变造的人民币或者明知是伪造、变造的人民币而持有、使用,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;情节轻微的,由公安机关处十五日以下拘留、五千元以下罚款。 |